Tooth-Colored Pediatric Dental Fillings
in Austin, TX
Should your child ever develop a cavity, our office provides tooth-colored pediatric dental fillings. Tooth-colored fillings are designed to repair teeth effectively and blend in flawlessly with the patient’s teeth. Whether you believe your child may have a cavity or you know that they do and you’re searching for a qualified pediatric dentist in Austin to take care of it, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to help!
Can baby teeth receive dental fillings?
Baby teeth can have dental fillings placed just like adult teeth. If a baby tooth has a small cavity but it’s loose and on the verge of falling out, we may recommend forgoing a dental filling. Otherwise, it’s important to treat cavities as soon as possible, whether they are in baby teeth or adult teeth. Decay in baby teeth can also affect the adult teeth underneath them, which is why tooth decay in baby teeth should never go untreated for long periods of time.

Can cavities heal on their own?
Unfortunately, once a tooth has been affected by tooth decay, the decayed area of the tooth must be removed before the cavity spreads to more of the tooth or any nearby teeth. After the decay is removed, a dental restoration must be used to protect the tooth from future damage and restore its appearance. Dental fillings are minimally-invasive restorative options that work by filling in the areas where the decayed portion of the tooth used to be.

What happens after a child gets a filling?
Post-treatment, your child’s mouth will likely still be numb from the local anesthetic, so they should avoid eating anything that requires chewing until the numbness wears off. They may feel some soreness and discomfort for a few hours, and while it shouldn’t be unbearable by any means, providing them with over-the-counter pain medication and allowing them to rest for a while could be beneficial for them.
How can fillings be avoided?
While dental fillings are a common dental treatment among kids and adults alike, we always want to do what we can to avoid them whenever possible! In addition to taking great care of your child’s teeth at home, we also recommend visiting our office for biannual teeth cleanings and exams. Drinking lots of water and sticking to a healthy diet is also very helpful for avoiding tooth decay. Should your child still develop one or more cavities, however, we will be glad to assist them.